Here are some topics I find fascinating and believe would be valuable for anyone looking to enhance their tech skills and boost their career prospects:
Docker, Docker Compose. These tools simplify experimenting with different technologies regardless of your OS. For example, you can spin up PostgreSQL, run Ubuntu to practice Bash scripts, or explore Nginx configurations seamlessly.
Nginx. Understanding how it works and learning to configure it effectively.
FastAPI. This incredibly popular Python web framework offers features like built-in auto-generated documentation and Swagger integration for building APIs.
Python Libraries. Explore the power of libraries like typing, pydantic, numpy, asyncio, pandas, and functools to elevate your Python projects.
Databases. Focusing on database management rather than just SQL syntax (which is straightforward to learn on your own).
NoSQL Databases. Exploring non-relational databases to broaden understanding of data storage.
CI/CD Pipelines. Learning to streamline and automate development workflows.
These are the areas I'm actively improving to stay up-to-date and job-ready in the tech industry!